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Inspiring Benefits, S.L. (hereafter "INSPIRING") is the company that owns the technology supporting this website, which the user can access at this URL and its subdomains.
Accessing, registering, and using the website is voluntary and free of charge, and grants Registered User status to those who access it.

The website is subject to the following rules and conditions. By registering, the User expressly agrees to these Conditions of Use.

It is recommended to carefully read these Terms of Use before taking any action. In case of any doubts, INSPIRING BENEFITS provides the user with the email address atencion.cliente@inspiringbenefits.com to make inquiries.


INSPIRING BENEFITS S.L: referred to in these Conditions of Use as "INSPIRING," is a company that specialises in providing services to other companies in order to make web portals available to user groups defined by the contracting company (e.g. employees, partners, clients), offering exclusive benefits and content to these groups.

Contracting Company: is the company that has contracted the INSPIRING service for a specific group of users so that they can enjoy the benefits associated with the Website. The contracting company for this website is Volkswagen Digital Solutions

Registered User: Any individual who is a member of a user group (e.g. employees, clients, associates, beneficiaries) as defined by the Contracting Company and has registered on the Website in accordance with the instructions stated in these Terms of Use, thereby bound by them.

Website: A portal that operates on technology owned by INSPIRING and is available to Registered Users for accessing benefits and content specified by the Contracting Company.
They may also be referred to as "platforms" in legal terminology.
Additionally, they may be referred to as "portal" or "portals". Consistent with the legal language, the terms "platform" and "platforms" are also applicable.

Purpose of the service

To provide the Registered User access to exclusive content, activities, events, and benefits promoted by the Contracting Company.


The user commits to make appropriate use of the content and services offered. To access the site's services, the user must register by following these steps:

  1. Complete the registration form found on the website's homepage, including necessary and accurate data.
  2. Prior to submitting personal data for registration, the user must read and agree to these terms and conditions.
  3. Please read and accept the site's privacy policy before sending your personal data to register for the service.
  4. If you register using your email and password, you will need to confirm your registration via email to verify the data entered on the registration form.

Site registration is prohibited for individuals under 18 years of age.
The user is prohibited from using the website, offers, promotions and content for commercial purposes.

Upon acceptance of these Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy, the User assumes all obligations and responsibilities arising from them. As such, any attempts to access the Website, use or incorporate information not consented to therein, shall be the sole responsibility of the individual carrying out such activity. INSPIRING shall be exempt from any damages or harm that may be caused to third parties as a result of such use, access or communication.

Enjoyment of the service

To enjoy the benefits of the Website, you must be a Registered User (i.e. you must register on the Website) and belong to the group defined by the Contracting Company.
The Registered User's access data for entering the Website is personal and non-transferable. It is the sole responsibility of each user to keep this information confidential, and to face any consequences resulting from its loss. INSPIRING and the Contracting Company shall not be held liable for any improper use of passwords by unauthorised third parties.
Certain functionalities of the platform may only be accessed and used if the Contracting Company has enabled them in the service. The provisions set forth in the specific service conditions shall apply for each of these functionalities.


The Registered User, as part of the Contracting Company's collective, may be required to keep confidential the information that the Contracting Company has declared confidential in accordance with its company policy and which appears on the Website. The Registered User agrees not to share this confidential information or distribute it in any form, either directly or indirectly through third parties or firms. The Contracting Entity may initiate legal proceedings if the Registered User violates any confidentiality obligations, as deemed necessary.

User termination

If the Registered User wishes to unsubscribe at any point, they can do so by either logging into their profile or by emailing INSPIRING at atencion.cliente@inspiringbenefits.com, requesting to be unsubscribed.

Without prejudice to the User's personal data rights as stated in the privacy policy, if any User unsubscribes from the Contracting Company, they will be removed from the services, regardless of the reason for unsubscription. This will also apply if the Contracting Company decides to terminate the service contracted with INSPIRING, in which case all users will be removed from the Platform.

Personal data protection

The privacy policy governs the processing of personal data on the Website. Acceptance of this policy is also a prerequisite for registering on the Website.

Guarantee and responsibility

INSPIRING will do its utmost to ensure the correct functioning of the Website at all times. In the event of any accessibility issues, INSPIRING will make all efforts to correct them. However, service availability may be affected due to maintenance and improvement work.

INSPIRING will establish all security measures in accordance with the state of the art so that the use of the services is free from attacks by viruses or third parties that could affect the systems of the registered users.

Although absolute security cannot be guaranteed, should INSPIRING detect any potential threats to users, access to the services will be suspended until the issue is resolved.

INSPIRING does not accept liability for any damage that may occur to a user's computer system or data due to viruses or malware when accessing the website or files stored therein. However, INSPIRING has taken appropriate measures to protect against these types of threats, in accordance with industry standards and the latest technology. INSPIRING is not liable for any improper usage of the computer device by the Registered User or access via unsuitable tools for utilizing the services provided through the Website.

Accessing the website and using the information therein without consent is solely the user's responsibility. INSPIRING assumes no responsibility for damages or harm arising from such use or access.

Additionally, INSPIRING is not liable for the comments or content generated by Registered Users through the Website's available tools. However, if INSPIRING or the Contracting Company becomes aware that any of these comments may harm or denigrate third parties, INSPIRING and the Contracting Company reserve the right to remove them from the website.

The user may access links to other web pages from the website through banners, links or other means of access. INSPIRING does not have the authority to control the contents provided by other websites to which links are established from the Platform. INSPIRING takes no responsibility for any aspect of these websites, and does not guarantee that the links are free from viruses or other harmful elements that could damage the user's computer systems or files.

INSPIRING does not accept responsibility for the content of websites that link to or refer to our website, or contain opinions about our services that could mislead users about INSPIRING's offerings.

Right of exclusion

The Contracting Company and INSPIRING retain the right to remove or refuse access to the services, without prior warning, for Registered Users who violate these Conditions of Use or the Privacy Policy and who use the services in bad faith.

INSPIRING may also exclude users who use the offers, promotions, or content of the Portal for commercial purposes, as well as request reimbursement for benefits obtained from these offers, promotions, or content used to purchase products or services at a discounted price and resold subsequently.

The Contracting Company reserves the right to exclude Registered Users from the chosen group without prior notice, should they no longer meet the criteria or due to a change in the determination process. Additionally, the Contracting Company may utilize the "Invite a friend" feature on the Portal to exclude Registered Users as necessary.

Registered User support

The Registered User can access a dedicated section on the Website to submit complaints, claims, and doubts regarding its use. Alternatively, they may send an email to the address specified at the top of these conditions.

Intellectual Property

The platform and its content are governed by Spanish intellectual property law.

The technology and content of the website are protected by copyright. The texts, drawings, photographs, and other audiovisual elements contained within and provided by the contracting company or INSPIRING are the exclusive property of the contracting company or INSPIRING.

Under no circumstances should it be assumed that the User's access and browsing implies a relinquishment, transmission, license, or complete or partial transfer of those rights by INSPIRING or the Contracting Company.

It is prohibited to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, upload files, send by post, transmit, use, process or distribute in any way all or part of the contents included in this website for public or commercial purposes without the express written authorisation of INSPIRING or the Contracting Company. It is also prohibited to extract content from the website, either automatically or manually (web scraping).

Unauthorised usage of the content featured on the website, or any violation of the intellectual property rights, will incur legal consequences for the perpetrator.

Content published by the User

Each User declares and guarantees that he/she is the owner of the contents that he/she places on the website and that he/she therefore has all the rights of exploitation; or that he/she has the necessary authorisations or licences from the owners of the same for their reproduction, distribution and communication to the public.

The User shall hold INSPIRING and the contracting company harmless against any judicial or extra-judicial complaint from third parties, whether motivated by the infringement of intellectual property rights or because it affects or damages the rights of third parties.

The User grants INSPIRING and the Contracting Company a free, non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce, publicly communicate or make available and transform (the latter in order to adapt the uploaded content to the size and resolution requirements supported by the Platform when the files are uploaded) the information and content contained on the Website, for a worldwide geographical scope, with the purpose of being able to reproduce the same and make it available to other users within the Website itself. This licence terminates when the user terminates the service for any reason. Without prejudice to the licence granted to INSPIRING and the Contracting Company, each User may include in the content of the Website warnings regarding the reservation of rights and restrictions on the use of the content of the Website by other Users and third parties that he/she deems appropriate and that correspond to his/her rights over the content of the Website that he/she has shared.

Industrial property

The trademarks used on the Websites are the property of INSPIRING, the Contracting Company or its suppliers, or are licensed or authorised for that purpose. Their use is not permitted without the prior written consent of INSPIRING and, where applicable, the Contracting Company.

It is not permitted to delete, manipulate or circumvent these General Conditions with regard to the intellectual and industrial property rights owned or any other data identifying the ownership of these rights incorporated in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, digital marks or any other information or identification mechanisms contained in the contents.

Breach of these Terms of Use

INSPIRING may adopt the security measures it considers appropriate at any given time to guarantee that access to and participation in the services is carried out in accordance with the Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy, the purpose of the services, and subject to the provisions of the applicable regulations in force.

Without the need to comply with or carry out any prior formalities or communication, INSPIRING may, at any time:

  • Temporarily block or definitively remove the information and content incorporated in the Website when it has the suspicion or certainty that the same may infringe the provisions of the Conditions of Use or the applicable legal regulations.
  • Restrict or suspend the participation in the services of any User and even expel them permanently in the event of breach of any of the Terms of Use or the applicable legal regulations.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by Spanish law and any dispute that may arise in relation to the application, fulfilment or interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be resolved, with the express consent of both parties, in the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid.


Inspiring reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary to the Website, the information contained therein, its configuration, presentation and conditions of access and use. Such changes will be announced on the Portal's home page for the knowledge of the registered User.

It is possible that the user's Internet browser may create a copy of this page in the cache memory, so that the next time it is accessed, the pages displayed by the browser will not be the most recent ones, but those stored in the cache memory. In order to avoid these problems, we recommend that you reload the website in your browser each time you access it.


Conditions of use of the notice board

Any registered user can publish an advertisement on the platform, as long as it is in line with the objective and the required data is filled in.

The advertisements must be written correctly, in a language that is understandable and suitable for dissemination to all users of the Portal.

Advertisements may contain offers for the sale/exchange/delivery of goods, provided that they are the property of the registered user.

The bulletin board is intended exclusively for users of the platform.

The truthfulness of the content of the advertisements or the descriptions of the goods and the conditions attached to them are the responsibility of the person who publishes the advertisement.

Conditions of use of the piggy bank


Partner Merchants: Organisations that present offers of their products and/or services through the Platform, which are solely responsible for these offers and for their correct execution and provision.

Offer, agreement or promotion: Offers and promotions made by the Partner Shops under their responsibility and published on the Platform.

Discount accumulation: The gain, either in points or in money, accumulated in the Registered User's savings account as a result of the use of the products and/or services promoted through the Platform.

Savings account or piggy bank: Registration of the rebates accumulated by the Registered User, which, once a minimum limit has been reached, results in a transfer to the bank account indicated by the Registered User. The user can also donate these amounts to an NGO or request a gift voucher from Amazon.

Confirmed reservation / purchase: Purchases made in the Partner Stores that have been validated and approved by the various Partner Stores.


Through the Platform, the Registered User has access to the offers and promotions of the Associated Shops. In order to benefit from these promotions, the Registered User must access the Associated Shops through the links and/or codes provided by the platform so that the purchases are duly registered.

In the event that the Registered User does not make purchases through the links provided, the discount percentages corresponding to such purchases will not be reflected in his/her savings or piggy bank account. Some promotions or offers may only generate savings on the first purchase made by the User in the partner shop and, in other cases, it is possible that the promotion or offer may only generate a direct discount on the amount of the purchase, but no savings in the piggy bank.

In both cases, these conditions will be stated in the description of the promotion or offer.

INSPIRING's refund percentage will be applied to the amount of the purchase minus VAT and administration, taxes and/or shipping costs.

Purchases made by the registered user will appear in the savings account within a maximum of 5 days. For purchases that are not finally reflected in the Savings Account, the Registered User has a form that allows him/her to lodge a complaint within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the purchase. This form is available on the Platform and INSPIRING will contact the Registered User in order to resolve the incident as quickly as possible.

Through the Savings Account, the Registered User has information about the transactions made and the amount of money accumulated.

Once a certain amount of money has been accumulated, the Registered User can decide what to do with the accumulated balance.

If the Savings Account does not show any activity for a period of 12 consecutive months (neither purchases nor access to the account with the username and password), the Registered User's account will be cancelled, without the right to reimbursement of the accumulated discounts, which will be credited to INSPIRING as the cost of maintaining the savings account.

INSPIRING selects safe and reliable partner stores. However, INSPIRING cannot be held responsible for any breaches or incidents that may occur between a Partner Shop and a Registered User, as this is a commercial relationship between the Partner Shop and the Registered User. Each Partner Shop has its own terms and conditions, so it is important that the Registered User carefully reads the Partner Shop's terms and conditions before proceeding with the transaction. In the event that the Registered User detects any possible malpractice or abuse on the part of a Partner Shop, the Registered User must inform INSPIRING as soon as possible so that INSPIRING can investigate and, if necessary, remove the Partner Store's reference from the Platform.

Likewise, if the Registered User detects any non-compliance or incidents or situations leading to non-compliance by the Partner Shop with any of the offers or promotions present on the Platform, he/she must inform INSPIRING as soon as possible so that INSPIRING can contact the Partner Shop in order to find a solution, always taking into account the interests of the Registered User.

Purchase status

The User will be able to consult the status of his/her purchases through the Platform. The statuses that may appear are as follows:


The purchase appears as pending a few days after it has been made. It will remain in this status until it is finally confirmed by the supplier (a process that can take between 30 and 60 days, and in some cases 120 days, depending on the supplier).

This is because the supplier has to allow sufficient time to comply with legal deadlines for changes, refunds, any cancellations of charges and to check that the whole process is correct before accepting it. In the case of flight, hotel and car rental bookings, this acceptance period is

In the case of flight, hotel and car rental bookings, this acceptance period for the purchase does not begin until after the flight, hotel or car has been checked out, due to the possibility of last-minute cancellations.

If the purchase has not been automatically registered and is claimed by the user, the purchase will be manually added to your wallet in pending status (after checking access to the offer) and claimed by the supplier. The confirmation process may take longer than the specified time due to the fact that the User has to check that the purchase has been made correctly through the web portal.


A purchase may be rejected by the supplier for a number of reasons, including:

  • The order/reservation was subsequently cancelled.
  • A code/voucher was used during the purchase that is not available or cannot be accumulated on the platform.
  • Changes were made to the reservation outside of the platform.
  • The purchase process was not completed correctly.


This status indicates that you can request a refund for your purchase, provided that the required minimum amount has been accumulated in the Savings or Piggy Bank account.

Pending refund

The purchase will change from Accepted to Pending Refund status once the transfer to your current account has been requested.

The refund may take 7-15 days to process if the account number is correct.


The transfer has been successfully completed.

The above times are indicative and correspond to the normal operations of the platform, without prejudice to the fact that they may be subject to variations.

Effects on the Piggy Bank in the event of cancellation by the User

In the event of voluntary cancellation by a Registered User, he/she is responsible for requesting the refund of the money accumulated in his/her piggy bank that is in accepted status (provided that it reaches the required minimum) before requesting cancellation. Purchases that are in pending status at the time of cancellation will not be refunded.

Cancellation of the service by the Contracting Company

If, at any time, the company that has contracted the INSPIRING service decides to terminate the contract, or if the contract expires and there is a confirmed balance in the Savings Account or in the Piggy Bank, INSPIRING will send the Registered User a notice of cancellation of the account and, if there is a confirmed balance in the Savings Account, it will be transferred to the account indicated by the Registered User in his or her profile, minus €5 for transfer and administration costs. This refund will be made as long as the balance is not

The balance not confirmed at the time of cancellation will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Guarantee and liability

As this is a direct commercial relationship between the Partner Shop and the Registered User, INSPIRING cannot be held responsible for any breaches or incidents that may occur between a Partner Shop, its products or services and the Registered User. Each Partner Shop has its own terms and conditions of sale, so it is important that the Registered User reads them carefully before proceeding with any transaction. In the event that the changes made by the Associated Shops when requesting discounts, due to lack of space or stock of products or services, are different from those offered through the Platform, INSPIRING shall not be responsible for these differences.

INSPIRING does not accept any responsibility for incidents directly or indirectly related to the malfunctioning of the Platform due to incidents with the technological providers that host the Platform, malfunctioning of the Internet, telecommunications servers or electronic mail. As well as possible manipulations or illegal actions on the part of the users of the Platform.

The erroneous publication of an offer or promotion by INSPIRING concerning the percentage or amount of the discount to be applied by a Partner Shop will cause INSPIRING to pay the difference of the error, provided that the Registered User is not acting in bad faith, the amount does not exceed fifty euros and/or 5% of the total discount for the purchase, and the User has not received any communication from INSPIRING or from the Partner Shop itself indicating a different discount amount. The Registered User undertakes to notify INSPIRING of any errors in the publication of discounts as soon as he/she becomes aware of them, by sending an e-mail to the INSPIRING customer service address: atencion.cliente@inspiringbenefits.com.

In the event of cancellation by the User of the purchase or service contracted with the associated shop, INSPIRING will not accumulate the corresponding discount in the Registered User's savings account or will deduct it from the same if it has been carried out.

General conditions of the offers

To benefit from the refund or discount, you must access the offer through the link provided on this page, using the necessary codes or coupons as described. Once the reservation or purchase has been made, discounts will not be applied if they have not been used during the reservation or purchase or if they have not been made through the link on the offer page.

Offer subject to supplier availability

Please contact the supplier for further details.

Offer may not be combined with any other offer or promotion or with any other offer unless expressly stated otherwise in the supplier's terms and conditions.

Inspiring Benefits is not responsible for any changes that the supplier may make to these terms and conditions from the time of delivery of the codes/discounts/coupons by Inspiring Benefits to the user, including cancellation of the same. All promotions are subject to the supplier's terms and conditions and are governed by the supplier's terms and conditions.

Inspiring Benefits is not responsible for misuse of codes/discounts/coupons and may refuse to allow anyone other than the registered user to use the code/discount/coupon unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of the offer.

Piggy bank cashback offers

Inspiring Benefits administers the cashback on promotions. All other codes/discounts/coupons stated in the offer are subject to the terms and conditions of the offeror. Inspiring Benefits merely provides information to the user about the merchant's promotions and neither Inspiring Benefits nor the merchant shall be liable for any breach of these terms and conditions. Please refer to the supplier's terms and conditions. For more information on the piggy bank cashback offers, please click here.

Invite a friend

If this function is enabled, the Registered User may invite third parties, provided that he/she is sure that the third party is interested in registering on the Portal.

The account of the Invited User is subject to the membership of the User who invited him/her to the Portal, as well as the decision of the User to keep the Invited User or to exclude him/her from the Portal. Likewise, the Contracting Company may exclude the Guest User from the Portal at any time and without prior notice.